When you go from good to great, there’s this element of delight and magic that has to happen in design.
Massimo Vignelli
Smithtown's Bull all in one place.
Tag: ideas
Nightcrawler: How Dan Gilroy Made The Most Original Film Of The Year
Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show. That show’s called a pilot. Then they show that show to the people who make shows, and on the strength of that one show they decide if they’re.

This 72 CS Car Could Make You a Millionaire
Most inexpensive and medium-priced old cars, used mainly for timekeeping, are electronic watches with quartz movements. The subject is contextualised into a cultural that includes consciousness as a totality.
Technology Stole The Show At Sundance
True to its reputation, the Sundance Film Festival debuted a variety of fascinating and cutting-edge independent films during its annual run in Park City recently, but this year’s biggest breakout star was not celluloid.